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5 Teeth-Cleaning Mistakes Your Dentist Wants You to Avoid

August 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcchesterton @ 3:22 pm
woman flossing before visiting dentist in Chesterton

Most people know that brushing and flossing are some of the main ways to protect your smile from cavities and gum disease. Even so, the proper techniques for maintaining good oral health involve much more than you might think. While you might practice dental hygiene every day, you could be making simple mistakes that can harm your smile in the long run. Keep reading to learn five common teeth-cleaning errors your dentist in Chesterton wants you to avoid!

#1: Only Brushing Once Daily

By brushing your teeth, you’ll be able to effectively remove debris and bacteria from accumulating around your smile. Still, even if you brush before bed, germs and plaque can build up in your mouth while you’re asleep. To avoid allowing the bacteria to settle on your smile for too long, you’ll want to clean your teeth at least twice a day.

#2: Brushing Your teeth Aggressively

It may be tempting to scrub your pearly whites with extra force to get rid of all the debris, food particles, and germs in your mouth. Brushing too aggressively, however, can gradually damage and wear down your enamel, weakening your teeth and irritating your gum tissue. Since you’ll want to preserve your smile while cleaning it, be sure to use small, circular, and gentle motions when scrubbing.

#3: Skipping Flossing

While brushing is crucial, it typically only removes about 60% of plaque, debris, and bacteria from your smile. The other portion can get stuck in between your teeth, meaning you’ll need to floss to get them out. This should be done at least once a day, especially before bedtime. If you’re having difficulty cleaning hard-to-reach areas, try using a water flosser for easier access.

#4: Using the Same Toothbrush For Too Long

Did you know you should replace your toothbrush with a new one every three to four months? Not only can they become frayed over time, making them ineffective at cleaning, but they can also harbor bacteria that can spread throughout your mouth. Make sure you don’t hold onto the same toothbrush for prolonged periods if you want to maintain clean and healthy teeth.

#5: Only Visiting Your Dentist for Emergencies

Many patients wait until they already have a dental emergency before seeing their dentist. However, by scheduling routine checkups and cleanings every six months, you can prevent an urgent situation from starting in the first place. Your dentist will be able to monitor your oral health and address any underlying or developing issues early on to avoid further complications.

With these few tips in mind, you can be more prepared to maintain your smile properly. Speak with your dentist if you have any concerns along the way, and they’ll be more than happy to walk you through the best teeth-cleaning practices!

About the Author

Dr. Danny Hayes is a member of numerous organizations such as the Northwest Indiana Dental Society and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He studied at the Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia and continues to seek advanced training to refine his skills. He provides multiple comprehensive services, including dental checkups/cleanings, periodontal therapy, and emergency dentistry. If you’d like to know more about cleaning your teeth properly, visit his website or call 219-926-7595.

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