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Why Schedule a Dental Checkup Early in the Year?

January 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — adcchesterton @ 9:12 am
A dental checkup with a Chesterton dentist

January has only just begun, so maybe you’re still adjusting to 2023. After all, it can be hard to shake off the winter holiday mindset. That said, you really should get a dental checkup in the next month. Visiting your dentist early in the year has special perks, especially compared to later appointments. Your Chesterton practice can even explain why that’s the case. To that end, here are four major reasons to attend a dental checkup while the year is young.

Pay Your Deductible

Among other things, New Year’s Day resets the benefits of your dental plan. The result is that you must pay your deductible before they kick in again. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay full price for dental care year-round.

Luckily, an early checkup is a great way to pay a deductible. Doing so ensures you have benefits for most of the calendar year. Consequently, you’ll save money on dental needs for several months or more.

Prevent Dental Problems

Even as you put away the decorations, the holidays’ effects are still around. In particular, your teeth may suffer from the sweets you’ve had recently — candy canes, gingerbread cookies, chocolates, and more. Such treats, you see, are packed with sugar that causes tooth decay and cavities.

Of course, an early checkup ensures holiday eating won’t hurt your smile. It fixes dental issues before they get terrible. Consequently, you can start your year without any dental emergencies!

Set a Visit While You Can

Many find January’s early days laid-back. In other words, they leave you open enough to relax and unwind. However, the same isn’t always true of your local dental practice.

The truth is that dentists’ schedules fill up quickly. As such, failing to book a checkup now could mean going without one for months. The latter scenario would be annoying at best or a health risk at worst. To avoid it, you should call your dental team now.

Spend the Year with Dazzling Teeth

A new year brings new opportunities —to make friends, find better work, etc. However, you won’t make the most of these chances with an unhealthy smile. For better or worse, teeth are one of the first things people notice about you. Clean and vibrant ones thus leave a better impression.

An early first checkup would give you a smile that improves the year. By making your teeth dazzling, it helps you engage others confidently. You’d then reap the rewards and see boosts in your quality of life.

So, an early dental checkup can make a big difference. Therefore, go ahead and get one before the month is over!

About the Practice

Advanced Dental Concepts is based in Chesterton, IN. Led by Drs. Hayes, Koveck, and Kristoff, our practice strives for high-quality dental care. To that end, we perform custom treatments that span preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency procedures. Furthermore, our office is a certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners. For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (219)-926-7595.

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